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Volume 15


Title Author Pages
Editorial: Becoming innovative, research-informed and critical-reflexive practitioners: lessons from our Cambridge PGCE trainees Haira Gandolfi ooo
Letting the cat out of the bag: developing and evaluating strategies to promote audiation in the Year 8 pop/rock composition classroom Annabel Sargent 001-038

“I don’t know why, I just love it!” What are the factors that influence children to identify a favourite subject within the primary classroom?

Siobhan Mulholland-Cox 039-062
Interpersonal relationships in the primary classroom: a comparative study of year 2, 4 and 6 children’s perspectives on how relationships in the classroom influence learning Jewel Yu Ka-Rei 063-082
What can a study of gender enable pupils to see? A theory-seeking case study investigating what kinds of historical learning occur when Year 7 pupils use gender as an analytical lens for understanding the medieval period Isabel Nugent 083-108
A case study exploring students’ conceptions of proof within a Year 10 Mathematics classroom Darion Mayes 109-138
Pupil or tutor? Greater depth pupils’ perspectives on mixed attainment grouping Linnea Samuelsson 139-160
Exploring whether implementing strategies that promote the value of DT increases the uptake at GCSE Jemima Snelson 161-188
What is the point of outdoor learning? Year 2 pupils’ perspectives on the benefits of outdoor learning Tessa McLeish 189-210
Investigating the Impact of Differing Levels of Autonomy on Learning and Motivation in a Key Stage 4 Science Class Patrick J. M. Seargeant 201-240

An action research project exploring ecology in Art & Design with Year 10
William van Boesschoten
Evaluating the impact of using film to engage with issues of social justice with a year 9 class Callum Driver 271-296
Seeing themselves in Science: Exploring Year 1 Pupils’ Perceptions of Scientists and Science Self-Efficacy Hannah Asha Toseland 297-320
Is wellbeing a prerequisite for learning? an investigation into pupil perspectives regarding the role of wellbeing on learning engagement and outcomes
Ella Gilchrist