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An action research project exploring ecology in Art & Design with Year 10

William van Boesschoten

(PGCE Secondary: Art & Design, 2022-2023)



Drawing on contemporary ecological theory, this research project explores the extent to which a six-lesson intervention with a class of Year 10 Art & Design students in a maintained secondary school in Cambridge changed their perspectives on ecology and experimentation. The paper begins with a review of the relevant literature at the intersection of art, ecology and education, followed by an outline of the research methodology implemented. The findings are then presented and critically discussed, before conclusions are drawn, with implications for future practice and research. It is argued that working with unorthodox materials and processes in the art classroom can positively affect students’ perspectives of both ecology and experimentation.

Copyright: © 2024. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 241-270boesschotenw

Citation: van Boesschoten W. (2024). An action research project exploring ecology in Art & Design with Year 10. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 15 pp. 241-270.