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A case study exploring students’ conceptions of proof within a Year 10 Mathematics classroom

Darion Mayes

(PGCE Secondary Mathematics, 2022-2023)



The difficulty in the transition to studying mathematics at university has been documented and studied by a number of previous authors. In this paper, one aspect of this transition – the study of mathematical proof – is examined in more depth through a case study of a high attaining Year 10 class. The results of this case study, whilst necessarily tentative, indicate that students exhibit a pattern of misconceptions regarding proof which is corroborated by larger-scale studies both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, data collected from student interviews during this case study is used to suggest a novel explanation of some of these misconceptions. This explanation connects mathematical proof to broader topics, such as maths anxiety, which potentially merits further investigation.

Copyright: © 2024. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 109-138mayesd

Citation: Mayes, D. (2024). A case study exploring students’ conceptions of proof within a Year 10 Mathematics classroom. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 15 pp. 109-138.