Choice and Motivation in the Art Classroom
Elisa Juncosa Umaran
PGCE Secondary Art and Design, 2015-2016
This research focuses on the effects of autonomy on motivation and year 7’s perspectives on choice-based art projects. It explores the implications and possible contradictions of autonomy in the context of a diverse, ‘requiring improvement’ school in East Anglia. Data from questionnaires, interviews and participant observation revealed that a choice-based project had a positive impact on students’ attitudes towards materials, outcomes, teacher
exemplars, perceptions of competence, general interest and external recognition. Implications for future research and classroom practice are also discussed.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 379-418-juncosaumarane
Citation: Juncosa Umaran, E. Choice and Motivation in the Art Classroom.' Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 8, pp 379-418.