Researching pupil perspectives: the incorporation
of a daily one -mile walk into the curriculum.
Philippa Kerby
(PGCE Primary, 2015-2016)
The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of incorporating a daily, one-mile walk into the primary curriculum. Such inclusion of compulsory movement during the school day is particularly important as the levels of childhood obesity in England are increasing in an upward trend. Questionnaires and interviews provided the format for data collection. The results from this study found that the primary-aged children positively received a daily walk. The whole sample felt that their levels of physical
activity had increased as a result of completing a mile, and many children chose to jog or run parts of it. The pupils also perceived psychological and physical benefits of a daily walk. These findings support those in previous
research suggesting that increasing levels of children’s physical activity can boost self-esteem, concentration and alertness in school.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file:[pdf] 229-258-kerbyp
Citation:.Kerby, P.'Researching pupil perspectives: the incorporation of a daily one -mile walk into the curriculum' Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 8, pp 229-258 downloaded from [date of access])