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Pupil perspectives on uses of imagery as a cross-curricular aid to learning: the experiences of Year 5 children in a village school.

Marcus Nisbet

(General Primary PGCE, 2014-15)


This study examines views of Year 5 pupils on the helpfulness of imagery in their learning, with reference to format and curricular use. The children surveyed demonstrated critical insight into their own learning and an ability to make discerning judgements. While differing in their views on what was helpful, all felt that imagery was capable of supporting or enhancing their learning. Some said that imagery could be counterproductive. Children attached particular importance to image use in mathematics, English and science, although other subjects were mentioned. Most had clear views as to suitability of format to subject, for example video as a demonstration tool in PE or diagrams in mathematics. Analysis of responses suggests that children apply, and can articulate, certain criteria in judging image helpfulness. These appear to encompass four basic groups, pertaining to accessibility, relevance, stimulus and utility. However, how these are applied, and with what priority, varies.

Copyright: © 2016 . This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: [pdf] 080-106-nisbetm

Citation: Nisbet M. (2016) Pupil perspectives on uses of imagery as a cross-curricular aid to learning: the experiences of Year 5 children in a village school. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 7 pp. 080-106 (Downloaded from, [date of access])