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Children's perceptions of the use of computers as a play-based activity in Reception.

Cecilia del Corso

PGCE Early Years, 2013-2014


Early Years settings now incorporate ICT in their continuous provisions to provide exposure to different ICT mediums and to support the learning of ICT skills. Learning through play is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage, and it is hoped that children view learning ICT skills as play. This study investigates children's perceptions of their interactions with laptop computers as a play-based activity. Children's views on the use of computers as play, work and/or learning were elicited through a mixed method approach including a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews using the Activity Apperception Story Procedure (AASP), and naturalistic observations. Based on observations and the results of the AASP, it is argued that a degree of adult scaffolding is needed to enhance the learning outcomes of using computers as a play-based activity and that children view the use of computers as play regardless of adult participation.

Copyright: © 2015. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file:[pdf] [pdf] 357-393-delcorsoc
Citation: Del Corso, C. ( 2015)  Children's  perceptions of the use of computers as a play-based activity in Reception Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 6, pp 357-393

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