A critical investigation into the use of texts to encourage
meaningful dialogue in religious education: A case study of
year eight students studying miracles
Daniel James Dennis
(PGCE Religious Studies 2013-2014)
email: daniel.j.dennis@hotmail.co.uk
This research paper offers an interpretation of dialogic theory in a religious education classroom setting. Moving beyond Vygotsky’s perception of cognitive maturity, couched in terms of monologic, the literature review
explores the concept of dialogic and how this relates to the unique skills,such as intentional cognitive empathy, developed by the religiously educated. Moreover, the literature review explores how texts can best stimulate meaningful dialogue with the cultural other absent from the classroom. Such explorations result in three clearly delineated research questions that shape the classroom based investigation into how dialogic theories of learning can be applied in religious education. This research paper uses participant observations, researcher lesson evaluations and various interview techniques to ascertain if and how students are able to effectively engage with a text to enable meaningful dialogue.
Copyright: © 2015 This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)
The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: volume6/229-272-dennisj/dennisdj-229-272-1.pdf
Citation:. Dennis, D.J .A Critical investigation in the use of texts to encourage meaningful dialogue in religious education: A Case study of year eight students studying miracles Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 6, pp 229-272. (Downloaded from http://jotter.educ.cam.ac.uk/, [date of access])