The school library and its contribution to learning:a study of pupils’ perceptions from Year 1 to Year 6
Nicole Prime
(PGCE Primary, 2011-2012)
This study looks at the role of the school library as an integral part of pupils’ learning and development and summarises the findings of a small-scale research project into pupils’ perceptions of how they believe the school library contributes to their learning. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire involving 83 pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 from a Cambridgeshire primary school, allowing an insight into differences in perceptions between the different age groups. The study also addresses whether the location of the school library played a role in the pupils’ evaluation or if other factors were seen as more relevant. Overall, the findings demonstrate that whilst pupils’ perceptions of the library and its impact on learning are generally positive, they are dependent on many factors, including age, and whilst some of the aspects are in line with existing research findings, others are surprisingly different.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file : 127-174-primen
Citation: Prime, Nicole. (2013) '.The school library and its contribution to learning:a study of pupils’ perceptions from Year 1 to Year 6 ' Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 4 pp.123-174 (Downloaded from, [date of access])