Inclusive Deaf Education: a summary of academic and
social inclusion for the mainstream teacher.
Judith M. D. Philip
Secondary PGCE (Science: Biology, 2009-2010)
The Salamanca Statement committed signatories to provide mainstream education for all children unless it was clearly demonstrated that a regular classroom was incapable of meeting a pupil’s educational or social needs. This summary is intended for teachers new to deaf education. It reviews data concerning academic inclusion in terms of benchmark examination results of deaf pupils and the learning by deaf pupils when taught through a range of signed and interpreted methods. Social inclusion is discussed from findings of a qualitative study of deaf pupils’ opinions. Observations from the author’s school placements during her initial teacher education are included. The stance taken in this article is that all classrooms should be able to accommodate deaf pupils in terms of curricular and academic inclusion. However, in order to also achieve social inclusion, the best educational choice may be in designated mainstream schools with hearing support units.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file:145-160-philipj
Citation: Philip, J.M.D. (2011) Inclusive Deaf Education: a summary of academic and social inclusion for the mainstream teacher, Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 2 , pp-145- 160. (Downloaded from, [date of access])