Art-based games: An action research study exploring Year 10 students’ perspectives on short ‘warm up’ interventions and their potential effects on the classroom learning environment
Megan Jones
(PGCE Secondary Art and Design, 2021-2022)
Key stage 4 art lessons are often characterised by school-wide standardisation, streamlining classroom environments and promoting a sense of individualism amongst learners. This action research study provides evidence towards the value of using ‘warm up’ games in the art classroom, by suggesting that such activities can elicit a more interactive and engaging learning environment. During a series of Year 10 art lessons, learners took part in a ‘warm up’ game before continuing their individual coursework. This paper suggests that competitive and co-operative games can encourage a more appropriate learning environment for art making activities, compared with art classrooms that mainly facilitate independent working. This conclusion is supported by the observations and responses of learners during the study.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 193-220jonesm
Citation: Jones, M. (2023). Art-based games: An action research study exploring Year 10 students’ perspectives on short ‘warm up’ interventions and their potential effects on the classroom learning environment. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 14 pp. 193-220.