A recipe for success? Pupils’ perspectives on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
A recipe for success? Pupils’ perspectives on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Hannah Snow
(PGCE General Primary, 2020-2021)
A large amount of literature exists on Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategies; Learning Intentions (LIs) and Success Criteria (SC) are strategies that fall under the banner of AfL and are widely accepted, along with AfL practices more broadly, to improve learning. Despite this, there is a paucity of research on primary pupils’ perspectives on LIs and SC. This research proposal aims to explore primary pupils’ views (Year 4, aged 8-9 years) on LIs and SC, specifically their understanding of their purpose and how useful they perceive them to be. The proposed small-scale case study adopts a mixed-methods approach involving a questionnaire to obtain quantitative data, followed by a semi-structured group interview to obtain qualitative data and to examine the results of the questionnaire.
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The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 79-102snowh
Citation: Snow, H. (2022) 'A recipe for success? Pupils’ perspectives on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria' Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 13 pp.079-102. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.83301