“All the world’s a stage”: Using drama to develop the motivation and speaking skills of pupils in a Year 9 French class
Rabeka Zafar
(PGCE Secondary Modern Languages, 2019-2020)
Email: rz278@cantab.ac.uk
This paper explores the use of drama in a Modern Foreign Languages context to encourage and develop the motivation and speaking skills of secondary school pupils. A Year Nine French class with a high proportion of students who lacked confidence, fluency and spontaneity in relation to their speaking skills and displayed high levels of extrinsic motivation but low levels of intrinsic motivation was taught a segment of a planned series of lessons in which the students received a sustained input of drama. Students were observed to enjoy and engage with the intervention lessons, with a noticeable positive effect on their intrinsic motivation, in addition to their oral confidence and spontaneity. It is hoped that this paper will encourage other Modern Foreign Language teachers to consider the consistent incorporation of drama in their own language lessons to motivate their pupils and ameliorate their students’ speaking skills.
Copyright: © 2021. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)
The full paper is available for download as a pdf file:481-506zafarr
Citation: Zafar, R. (2021) '“All the world’s a stage”: Using drama to develop the motivation and speaking skills of pupils in a Year 9 French class'. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 12 pp.481-506 (Downloaded from http://jotter.educ.cam.ac.uk/, [date of access])