Changing dimensions: the impact of making models on Year 10 students’ understanding of Greek temples when studying Classical Civilisation
Mollie Legg
( PGCE Latin with Classics, 2017-2018)
This study explores the introduction of ‘active learning’, particularly model making, into the classroom of a mixed comprehensive state school. It focusses on the impact of ‘active learning’ on student engagement and skill-building (including independent-thinking, reflection and resilience). It also assesses whether model making can influence student understanding of Classical temples as 3-dimensional buildings. The findings showed that overall student engagement increased and that students developed important thinking skills. These findings applied particularly to students who are disadvantaged in some way. However, it is unclear whether students’ understanding of the 3D nature of Classical temples was enhanced. Further research might assess the impact of ‘active learning’ on student information-retention.
Copyright: © 2019. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)
The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: 307-330-leggm
Citation: Legg, M.(2019) 'Changing dimensions: the impact of making models on Year 10 students’ understanding of Greek temples when studying Classical Civilisation ' Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 10 pp.307-330. htts://