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Pupil perspectives on the physical learning environment: a study of how Year 3 pupils see learning spaces.

Deborah O’Brien

(PGCE General Primary, 2011-2012)


This paper examines the perceived importance of the learning environment, both in the classroom and in alternative settings, and how children believe their surroundings aid their learning. It reports the findings of a small-scale research project undertaken on teaching placement in a Year 3 (ages 7-8) classroom which used a multi-method approach to develop a picture of the views of the children. The children were able to give considered responses to the research questions, both in the questionnaire task and in the more in-depth tasks presented to the focus group. The findings provide evidence for the importance of the setting in which learning takes place and highlights the impact of spaces outside of the classroom, namely the use of outdoor space and off-site learning experiences.

Copyright: © 2012. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file : 033-70-obriend.pdf

Citation: O'Brien, D.  (2012)  Pupil perspectives on the physical learning environment: a study of how Year 3 pupils see learning spaces'. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 4 pp.33-70(Downloaded from, [date of access])