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“Inclusion of all to the detriment of some?”: a study of Year 5/6 pupils’ perspectives on the inclusive classroom

Jenny Kennedy

(PGCE General Primary, 2021-2022)



This is a research proposal for a small-scale, mixed-methods research project in a rural 1.5 form entry primary school. The study is to be carried out among a composite Year 5/6 class to gain insight into pupils’ perceptions of their inclusive classroom. Following a literature review which present the inclusive classroom in an uncommonly negative light, this research hopes to answer the following questions: Does the inclusion of pupils with SEND/SEMHD have a negative impact upon the classroom dynamic? Do pupils notice a disparity in the allocation of time and resources between members of the class? The design includes the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to allow for pupils to share their own experiences and understandings of the inclusive classroom.

Copyright: © 2023. This paper is copyright of the author. (Please read the Journal's copyright information page by using the menu to the left of this page.)

The full paper is available for download as a pdf file: [pdf] 083-104Kennedyj

Citation: Kennedy, J. (2023). “Inclusion of all to the detriment of some?”: a study of Year 5/6 pupils’ perspectives on the inclusive classroom. Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research, Volume 14 pp. 083-104.