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Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research

Welcome to the website of JoTTER, the Journal of Trainee Teacher Educational Research. The Journal is intended as a means of sharing some of the research and scholarship undertaken by graduate students preparing to qualify as school teachers through the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).

JoTTER is an open-access journal which publishes papers that we hope will be of interest to teachers and others working in education. The abstracts of published papers can be found by following the Volume links in the menu.

Links to download the full text of papers are provided with the abstracts. All published papers remain the copyright of their authors, and we request that users of the journal should read the copyright statement before downloading any papers.

Jottings from the editor:

Volume 1 (2010) - 15 (2024) of JoTTER are now online. The published papers relate to a wide range of topics. 

Editorial team

Dr Julie Alderton, Katie Rigby, Alison Dunphy, Anne-Marie Watkinson, Dr Elizabeth Rawlinson-Mills, Jennie Francis and Dr Libby Jared are now working as Associate Editors for the JoTTER. Dr Haira Gandolfi is the JoTTER's Editor-in-Chief. Find out more about the Editorial Board and Associates.

Editorial team member wins prestigious award

Congratulations to JoTTER Assistant Editor Cora Lingling Xu on winning the European Educational Research Association's 2013 Best Paper Award.


The journal may be contacted by email: